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Merchant List

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Bill payment for 3TTRAVEL.COM

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for 3TTRAVEL.COM

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Apple Storage

Bill payment for Apple Storage

Bill type

Bill account number


Payment Reference Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Apple Storage

Bill type


Bill account number

Payment Reference Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Asia Pacific's Luncheon Star

Bill payment for Asia Pacific's Luncheon Star

Bill type

Bill account number


School Number & Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Asia Pacific's Luncheon Star

Bill type


Bill account number

School Number & Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Asia Travel Care Company Ltd

Bill payment for Asia Travel Care Company Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Bills account number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Asia Travel Care Company Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Bills account number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Autotoll Ltd

Bill payment for Autotoll Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Prepaid Toll


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Other Payment

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Autotoll Ltd

Bill type

01 Prepaid Toll


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Other Payment

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bayley & Jackson Dental Surgeons Ltd

Bill payment for Bayley & Jackson Dental Surgeons Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Dental Scheme


Contact Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Dental Treatment

Contact Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Bayley & Jackson Dental Surgeons Ltd

Bill type

01 Dental Scheme


Bill account number

Contact Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Dental Treatment

Bill account number

Contact Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Biocycle (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill payment for Biocycle (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Client Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Biocycle (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Client Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Big Line Holiday Ltd

Bill payment for Big Line Holiday Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


8-digit Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Big Line Holiday Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

8-digit Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Broaden Leisure Outlets Company Limited

Bill payment for Broaden Leisure Outlets Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Broaden Leisure Outlets Company Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

BSH Home Appliances Limited

Bill payment for BSH Home Appliances Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Maintenance Agreement

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Spare Parts & Accessories Sales

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Service Report

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Home Appliances Sales

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Others

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for BSH Home Appliances Limited

Bill type

01 Maintenance Agreement

Bill account number

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Spare Parts & Accessories Sales

Bill account number

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Service Report

Bill account number

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Home Appliances Sales

Bill account number

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Others

Bill account number

Agreement Number or Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bun Tang Bus Service Co Ltd

Bill payment for Bun Tang Bus Service Co Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 School Bus Fare


Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Other Fare

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Bun Tang Bus Service Co Ltd

Bill type

01 School Bus Fare


Bill account number

Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Other Fare

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for CABLE TV & i-CABLE

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Cable TV

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment


02 i-CABLE Broadband Services

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
03 i-CABLE Dial-up Services

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

04 i-CABLE Telecom

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for CABLE TV & i-CABLE

Bill type

01 Cable TV

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment


Bill type

02 i-CABLE Broadband Services

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

03 i-CABLE Dial-up Services

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

04 i-CABLE Telecom

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Caltex StarCard

Bill payment for Caltex StarCard

Bill type

Bill account number


StarCard Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Caltex StarCard

Bill type


Bill account number

StarCard Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Celki International Limited

Bill payment for Celki International Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Rental

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Warranty and Repair Fee / Top


Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Sale

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Celki International Limited

Bill type

01 Rental

Bill account number

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Warranty and Repair Fee / Top


Bill account number

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Sale

Bill account number

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Chinaoil (HK) Corporation Ltd

Bill payment for Chinaoil (HK) Corporation Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Chinaoil (HK) Corporation Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

China Graduate School of Theology

Bill payment for China Graduate School of Theology

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Graduate School Tuition

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Seminar / Course Fee

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Tee Tuition

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Donation

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Others

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for China Graduate School of Theology

Bill type

01 Graduate School Tuition

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Seminar / Course Fee

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Tee Tuition

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Donation

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Others

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

China Holiness Church Living Spirit College

Bill payment for China Holiness Church Living Spirit College

Bill type

Bill account number


Student card number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for China Holiness Church Living Spirit College

Bill type


Bill account number

Student card number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

China International Travel Service (Hong Kong) Holding Ltd*

Bill payment for China International Travel Service (Hong Kong) Holding Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Air Ticket

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Hotel

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Package

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Tour

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Others

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for China International Travel Service (Hong Kong) Holding Ltd

Bill type

01 Air Ticket

Bill account number

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Hotel

Bill account number

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Package

Bill account number

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Tour

Bill account number

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Others

Bill account number

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: CHINA INTL TRAVEL SERVICE HK

China Travel Service (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill payment for China Travel Service (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


PPS Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for China Travel Service (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

PPS Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Choi Fung Hong Company Limited

Bill payment for Choi Fung Hong Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Invoice

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Choi Fung Hong Company Limited

Bill type

01 Invoice

Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Compass Group Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for Compass Group Hong Kong Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Compass Group Hong Kong Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Connexus Travel Limited

Bill payment for Connexus Travel Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Last 7-digit of sales folder number or our so number on top right corner of the invoice

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Connexus Travel Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Last 7-digit of sales folder number or our so number on top right corner of the invoice

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Danny Catering Service Ltd

Bill payment for Danny Catering Service Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Danny Catering Service Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Delicious Chef King Catering Ltd

Bill payment for Delicious Chef King Catering Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Delicious Chef King Catering Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Deli Honour Gourmet

Bill payment for Deli Honour Gourmet

Bill type

Bill account number


Student Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Deli Honour Gourmet

Bill type


Bill account number

Student Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Diamond Home Spring Water

Bill payment for Diamond Home Spring Water

Bill type

Bill account number


WLSP Agreement Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Diamond Home Spring Water

Bill type


Bill account number

WLSP Agreement Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

DSG Energy (Shell Gas)

Bill payment for DSG Energy (Shell Gas)

Bill type

Bill account number


Customer Code

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for DSG Energy (Shell Gas)

Bill type


Bill account number

Customer Code

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Easy Gold

Bill payment for Easy Gold

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Gasonline Fee


ECG Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Carpark Fee

ECG Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Easy Gold

Bill type

01 Gasonline Fee


Bill account number

ECG Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Carpark Fee

Bill account number

ECG Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill payment for

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Edmall (Hong Kong)Limited

Bill payment for Edmall (Hong Kong)Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Edmall (Hong Kong)Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

EF Travel Hong Kong Ltd

Bill payment for EF Travel Hong Kong Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Six-digit Student Reference No. following "HKH"

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for EF Travel Hong Kong Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Six-digit Student Reference No. following "HKH"

  • Applicable to credit card payment

EGL Tours Company Limited

Bill payment for EGL Tours Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Payment PIN

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for EGL Tours Company Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Payment PIN

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Eternal East Tours Company Limited

Bill payment for Eternal East Tours Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Eternal East Tours Company Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service-Hong Kong (Elderly Services)

Bill payment for Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service-Hong Kong (Elderly Services)

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service-Hong Kong (Elderly Services)

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Fat Tat Hong

Bill payment for Fat Tat Hong

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Tour

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Boat

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Cuttlefish Package

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Ticket / Hotel

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Others

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Fat Tat Hong

Bill type

01 Tour

Bill account number

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Boat

Bill account number

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Cuttlefish Package

Bill account number

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Ticket / Hotel

Bill account number

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Others

Bill account number

8-digit Telephone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education

Bill payment for Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education

Bill type

Bill account number


Application Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education

Bill type


Bill account number

Application Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Fit for Life Luncheon & Catering Services

Bill payment for Fit for Life Luncheon & Catering Services

Bill type

Bill account number


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Fit for Life Luncheon & Catering Services

Bill type


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

FKYC Tuck Shop

Bill payment for FKYC Tuck Shop

Bill type

Bill account number


Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for FKYC Tuck Shop

Bill type


Bill account number

Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Forever Pets

Bill payment for Forever Pets

Bill type

Bill account number


Member Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Forever Pets

Bill type


Bill account number

Member Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Fountain Food

Bill payment for Fountain Food

Bill type

Bill account number


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Fountain Food

Bill type


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Four Seas Travel

Bill payment for Four Seas Travel

Bill type

Bill account number


10-digit Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Four Seas Travel

Bill type


Bill account number

10-digit Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Fresh Smart Catering Limited

Bill payment for Fresh Smart Catering Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Fresh Smart Catering Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Fruitful Fuel Limited

Bill payment for Fruitful Fuel Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Fuel Card Payment


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Other Payment

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Fruitful Fuel Limited

Bill type

01 Fuel Card Payment


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Other Payment

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Fu Tai Traveling Company Limited

Bill payment for Fu Tai Traveling Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Fu Tai Traveling Company Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Golden Promise Travel Agency Co

Bill payment for Golden Promise Travel Agency Co

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice number or account number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Golden Promise Travel Agency Co

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice number or account number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Good Hand

Bill payment for Good Hand

Bill type

Bill account number


Client Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Good Hand

Bill type


Bill account number

Client Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Gratus Solutions Limited

Bill payment for Gratus Solutions Limited
Bill type Bill account number
01 Treatment

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Gratus Solutions Limited
Bill type 01 Treatment
Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre

Bill payment for Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre

Bill type

Bill account number


Patient number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre

Bill type


Bill account number

Patient number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care & Attention Home

Bill payment for Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care & Attention Home

Bill type

Bill account number


Number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care & Attention Home

Bill type


Bill account number

Number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Health Smart Limited

Bill payment for Health Smart Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Health Smart Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for H K BAPTIST HOSPITAL

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Medical Records Department


Case Number

Applicable to bank account payment

02 Nuclear Medicine & PET Scan

Episode Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
03 RT & Oncology

Episode Number / Registration Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
04 General Fee

Payment Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
05 Counselling & Patient Support
Payment Number
  • Applicable to bank account payment
06 School of Nursing
Payment Number
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for H K BAPTIST HOSPITAL

Bill type

01 Medical Records Department


Bill account number

Case Number

Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

02 Nuclear Medicine & PET Scan

Bill account number

Episode Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

03 RT & Oncology

Bill account number

Episode Number / Registration Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

04 General Fee

Bill account number

Payment Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

05 Counselling & Patient Support

Bill account number

Payment Number
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

06 School of Nursing

Bill account number

Payment Number
  • Applicable to bank account payment

HKPTU(Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union)

Bill payment for HKPTU(Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union)

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Purchase


Bill / Account Number
  • Applicable to bank account payment

02 Other Services

Bill / Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for HKPTU(Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union)

Bill type

01 Purchase


Bill account number

Bill / Account Number
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

02 Other Services

Bill account number

Bill / Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


Bill payment for HKTA

Bill type

Bill account number


Account number stated at the right top corner of your statement

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for HKTA

Bill type


Bill account number

Account number stated at the right top corner of your statement

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hoi Tai Tours Ltd

Bill payment for Hoi Tai Tours Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 School Bus Fare


Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Other Fare

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hoi Tai Tours Ltd

Bill type

01 School Bus Fare


Bill account number

Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Other Fare

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for Homecare

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Personal Care Service


Case Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Rehabilitation Services

Case Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Homecare

Bill type

01 Personal Care Service


Bill account number

Case Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Rehabilitation Services

Bill account number

Case Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Homesmart Services Limited

Bill payment for Homesmart Services Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


10-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Homesmart Services Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

10-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong All About Eat Catering Limited

Bill payment for Hong Kong All About Eat Catering Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 School Lunch Box

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Online Shop

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong All About Eat Catering Limited

Bill type

01 School Lunch Box

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Online Shop

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Design Centre

Bill payment for Hong Kong Design Centre

Bill type

Bill account number


Payment Code

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong Design Centre

Bill type


Bill account number

Payment Code

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Maritime Museum Ltd

Bill payment for Hong Kong Maritime Museum Ltd
Bill type Bill account number
01 Donation

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
02 Membership Fee

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
03 Events Fee

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
04 Others

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong Maritime Museum Ltd
Bill type 01 Donation
Bill account number

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill type 02 Membership Fee
Bill account number

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill type 03 Events Fee
Bill account number

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill type 04 Others
Bill account number

Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Hong Kong Printing Centre

Bill payment for Hong Kong Printing Centre

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong Printing Centre

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Resort Company Limited

Bill payment for Hong Kong Resort Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Club's Statement


Account Number or Receipt Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 VIP Logistics Service

Account Number or Receipt Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong Resort Company Limited

Bill type

01 Club's Statement


Bill account number

Account Number or Receipt Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 VIP Logistics Service

Bill account number

Account Number or Receipt Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Safety Services Association Limited

Bill payment for Hong Kong Safety Services Association Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong Safety Services Association Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Storage

Bill payment for Hong Kong Storage

Bill type

Bill account number


Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong Storage

Bill type


Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Parkview Management Services Ltd*

Bill payment for Hong Kong Parkview Management Services Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Hong Kong Parkview Management Services Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: HK PARKVIEW MGT SER LTD

Hutchison Travel - hutchgo

Bill payment for Hutchison Travel - hutchgo

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Air ticket/hotel/package/misc

Hutchgo reference number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Hutchison Travel - hutchgo

Bill type

01 Air ticket/hotel/package/misc

Bill account number

Hutchgo reference number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

IBM China/Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for IBM China/Hong Kong Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Personal Customer

02 Business Customer

Order Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

03 HKU Student

University Number + Model Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


04 HKU Staff

Staff Number + Model Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


05 Others

Payment Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


Bill payment for IBM China/Hong Kong Limited

Bill type

01 Personal Customer

02 Business Customer

Bill account number

Order Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

03 HKU Student

Bill account number

University Number + Model Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


Bill type

04 HKU Staff

Bill account number

Staff Number + Model Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


Bill type

05 Others

Bill account number

Payment Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Jackel Porter Company Limited

Bill payment for Jackel Porter Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Water and Ingredients

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Machinery

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Maintenance & Service

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Deposit & Rental

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Jackel Porter Company Limited

Bill type

01 Water and Ingredients

Bill account number

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Machinery

Bill account number

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Maintenance & Service

Bill account number

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Deposit & Rental

Bill account number

8-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Jetour Holiday Limited

Bill payment for Jetour Holiday Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


CFM Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Jetour Holiday Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

CFM Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Jobs DB HK Ltd

Bill payment for Jobs DB HK Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 JOB AD Posting

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment
02 Dimension

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment
03 EDM / Banner AD

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment
04 Seminar / Exhibition

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment
05 Others

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Jobs DB HK Ltd

Bill type

01 JOB AD Posting

Bill account number

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

02 Dimension

Bill account number

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

03 EDM / Banner AD

Bill account number

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

04 Seminar / Exhibition

Bill account number

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

05 Others

Bill account number

13-Digit Payment Reference

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Jumpstart Business Centre

Bill payment for Jumpstart Business Centre

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Jumpstart Business Centre

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Kwoon Chung Motors Co. Ltd.

Bill payment for Kwoon Chung Motors Co. Ltd.

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill account number and checksum logic for validation

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Kwoon Chung Motors Co. Ltd.

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill account number and checksum logic for validation

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for LBS

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for LBS

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

LifeVantage Hong Kong

Bill payment for LifeVantage Hong Kong

Bill type

Bill account number


Distributor ID - Order Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for LifeVantage Hong Kong

Bill type


Bill account number

Distributor ID - Order Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Lok Sin Tong Meal Delivery Service Centre

Bill payment for Lok Sin Tong Meal Delivery Service Centre

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Lok Sin Tong Meal Delivery Service Centre

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Lotus Tours Limited

Bill payment for Kwoon Chung Motors Co. Ltd.

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill account number and checksum logic for validation

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Kwoon Chung Motors Co. Ltd.

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill account number and checksum logic for validation

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Macy's Food & Services Limited

Bill payment for Macy's Food & Services Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Macy's Food & Services Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Mangrove (Tuck Shop Management) Limited

Bill payment for Mangrove (Tuck Shop Management) Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Lunch Meal Services


12-digit Student Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Delivery Services

12-digit Student Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Mangrove (Tuck Shop Management) Limited

Bill type

01 Lunch Meal Services


Bill account number

12-digit Student Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Delivery Services

Bill account number

12-digit Student Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for Manulife

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Individual Insurance Premium

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Manulife

Bill type

01 Individual Insurance Premium

Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Many Wells

Bill payment for Many Wells

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Many Wells

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Master Crown International Limited

Bill payment for Master Crown International Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Personal Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Master Crown International Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Personal Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

MEG Limited

Bill payment for MEG Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Member Payments

Membership Number or 8-digit Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Non-member Payments

Membership Number or 8-digit Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Application Fees

Membership Number or 8-digit Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for MEG Limited

Bill type

01 Member Payments

Bill account number

Membership Number or 8-digit Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Non-member Payments

Bill account number

Membership Number or 8-digit Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Application Fees

Bill account number

Membership Number or 8-digit Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Miele HK Ltd

Bill payment for Miele HK Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Pay number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Miele HK Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Pay number & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Murray Catering Co Ltd

Bill payment for Murray Catering Co Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Murray Catering Co Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Murray Food & Beverage Ltd

Bill payment for Murray Food & Beverage Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Murray Food & Beverage Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for MYTV SUPER LIMITED

Bill type

Bill account number


Customer ID

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for MYTV SUPER LIMITED

Bill type


Bill account number

Customer ID

  • Applicable to credit card payment

New iMedia Solutions Limited

Bill payment for New iMedia Solutions Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


13-digit Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for New iMedia Solutions Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

13-digit Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Ocean Park Corporation

Bill payment for Ocean Park Corporation

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Ticket Deposit

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
02 F&B Payment

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
03 Education Payment

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
04 Sales

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
05 Others

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Ocean Park Corporation

Bill type

01 Ticket Deposit

Bill account number

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

02 F&B Payment

Bill account number

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

03 Education Payment

Bill account number

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

04 Sales

Bill account number

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

05 Others

Bill account number

Customer Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

On Kee Dry Seafood Co. Ltd

Bill payment for On Kee Dry Seafood Co. Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Order Ref. No.

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for On Kee Dry Seafood Co. Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Order Ref. No.

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill payment for

Bill type

Bill account number


Mobile Phone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for

Bill type


Bill account number

Mobile Phone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Principal Trust Company (Asia) Ltd

Bill payment for Principal Trust Company (Asia) Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 PTC-Retirement Scheme

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment
02 PTC-MPF S600

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment
03 PTC-MPF S800

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment
04 PTC - Smart Plan

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment
05 PTC - Simple Plan

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Principal Trust Company (Asia) Ltd

Bill type

01 PTC-Retirement Scheme

Bill account number

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

02 PTC-MPF S600

Bill account number

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

03 PTC-MPF S800

Bill account number

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

04 PTC - Smart Plan

Bill account number

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

05 PTC - Simple Plan

Bill account number

Contract Numbers

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Promise Network Printing Limited

Bill payment for Promise Network Printing Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Promise Network Printing Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for ROOM+

Bill type

Bill account number


Contract Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for ROOM+

Bill type


Bill account number

Contract Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sailing Boat Luncheon

Bill payment for Sailing Boat Luncheon

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Sailing Boat Luncheon

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Scania (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill payment for Scania (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Contract Service


Customer Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 General Service

Customer Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Scania (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type

01 Contract Service


Bill account number

Customer Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 General Service

Bill account number

Customer Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

SC Storage

Bill payment for SC Storage

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Deposit


Customer Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Rent

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for SC Storage

Bill type

01 Deposit


Bill account number

Customer Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Rent

Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Shaohua Travel

Bill payment for Shaohua Travel

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Shaohua Travel

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sincerity Travel

Bill payment for Sincerity Travel

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Deposit

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Balance

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Full Payment

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Sincerity Travel

Bill type

01 Deposit

Bill account number

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Balance

Bill account number

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Full Payment

Bill account number

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Smart Home

Bill payment for Smart Home

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Single Trial

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Package

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 New House Cleaning

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 VOC Removal / Pest Control

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Smart Home

Bill type

01 Single Trial

Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Package

Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 New House Cleaning

Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 VOC Removal / Pest Control

Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

St. Paul's Hospital

Bill payment for St. Paul's Hospital

Bill type

Bill account number


Payment Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for St. Paul's Hospital

Bill type


Bill account number

Payment Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Store Friendly Self Storage Group

Bill payment for Store Friendly Self Storage Group

Bill type

Bill account number


9-digit Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Store Friendly Self Storage Group

Bill type


Bill account number

9-digit Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sun Bus Limited

Bill payment for Sun Bus Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 School Bus Fare


Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

02 Other Fare

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Sun Bus Limited

Bill type

01 School Bus Fare


Bill account number

Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Other Fare

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sun Network (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill payment for Sun Network (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Business Service


Bill Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Residential Service

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Sun Network (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type

01 Business Service


Bill account number

Bill Account Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Residential Service

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sun Smart V-plus

Bill payment for Sun Smart V-plus

Bill type

Bill account number


E-payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Sun Smart V-plus

Bill type


Bill account number

E-payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sunflower Travel

Bill payment for Sunflower Travel

Bill type

Bill account number

01    Tour
02    Hotel Package
03    Air Ticket or Hotel
04    Cruise
05    Others

P-file Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Sunflower Travel

Bill type

01    Tour
02    Hotel Package
03    Air Ticket or Hotel
04    Cruise
05    Others

Bill account number

P-file Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sunflower Travel Service Ltd

Bill payment for Sunflower Travel Service Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Sunflower Travel Booking Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Sunflower Travel Service Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Sunflower Travel Booking Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Sunpac Tours & Travel Ltd

Bill payment for Sunpac Tours & Travel Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


8-digit Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Sunpac Tours & Travel Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

8-digit Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Tengda (H.K.) Company Limited

Bill payment for Tengda (H.K.) Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Electronic Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Tengda (H.K.) Company Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Electronic Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Good Luck Motoring School Ltd

Bill payment for The Good Luck Motoring School Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number


Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for The Good Luck Motoring School Ltd

Bill type


Bill account number

Mobile Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for ToolBox

Bill type

Bill account number


Maintenance Agreement Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for ToolBox

Bill type


Bill account number

Maintenance Agreement Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Toshiba Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for Toshiba Hong Kong Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


User ID

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Toshiba Hong Kong Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

User ID

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Travel Expert Limited

Bill payment for Travel Expert Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Travel Expert Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Travel Resources Limited

Bill payment for Travel Resources Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Travel Resources Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Tuck Shop

Bill payment for Tuck Shop

Bill type

Bill account number


Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Tuck Shop

Bill type


Bill account number

Student Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Union Well Development Limited

Bill payment for Union Well Development Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Union Well Development Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

US Summit Company Limited

Bill payment for US Summit Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 US Summit Company Limited

Account Code

  • Applicable to bank account payment
02 Galderma Hong Kong Limited

Account Code

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for US Summit Company Limited

Bill type

01 US Summit Company Limited

Bill account number

Account Code

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type

02 Galderma Hong Kong Limited

Bill account number

Account Code

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Vitaland Services Limited

Bill payment for Vitaland Services Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Vitaland Services Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Customer Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for Vitasoy

Bill type

Bill account number


PPS Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Vitasoy

Bill type


Bill account number

PPS Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for Waterfall

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Waterfall-Membership Fee

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Waterfall-Golf Locker Rental

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Waterfall-Small Locker Rental

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Club Grand-Membership Fee

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Club Grand-Small Locker Rental

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Waterfall

Bill type

01 Waterfall-Membership Fee

Bill account number

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Waterfall-Golf Locker Rental

Bill account number

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Waterfall-Small Locker Rental

Bill account number

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Club Grand-Membership Fee

Bill account number

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Club Grand-Small Locker Rental

Bill account number

Membership Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill type Bill account number
01 Donation

Registered Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
02 Service Fees

Registered Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
03 Contribution

Registered Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill type 01 Donation
Bill account number

Registered Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill type 02 Service Fees
Bill account number

Registered Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill type 03 Contribution
Bill account number

Registered Phone Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Watson's Water

Bill payment for Watson's Water

Bill type

Bill account number


Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Watson's Water

Bill type


Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Website Solution

Bill payment for Website Solution

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Domain or Web Hosting Bill

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Server, SSL or Upgrade Bill

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Website Solution

Bill type

01 Domain or Web Hosting Bill

Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Server, SSL or Upgrade Bill

Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Wilson Parking

Bill payment for Wilson Parking

Bill type

Bill account number


12-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Wilson Parking

Bill type


Bill account number

12-digit Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Wing On Travel

Bill payment for Wing On Travel

Bill type

Bill account number


Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Wing On Travel

Bill type


Bill account number

Booking Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

WKK Travel Limited

Bill payment for WKK Travel Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for WKK Travel Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Invoice Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Yuk Choi Bookstore

Bill payment for Yuk Choi Bookstore

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Textbook Fee

Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Yuk Choi Bookstore

Bill type

01 Textbook Fee

Bill account number

Reference Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Zuellig Pharma Limited

Bill payment for Zuellig Pharma Limited

Bill type

Bill account number


Customer number or transaction number. If the customer number is 6-digit, please add "00" before the number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Zuellig Pharma Limited

Bill type


Bill account number

Customer number or transaction number. If the customer number is 6-digit, please add "00" before the number

  • Applicable to credit card payment