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HSBC Broking cross-border disclosure

Guidance for our international users
  • This website is designed for use in Hong Kong. The products and services represented within this website are intended for Hong Kong customers.
  • This website is provided by HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited.
  • All information on this Site relating to precious metals is provided by HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited. All information on this Site relating to securities, futures and forex is provided by HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited's subsidiaries: HSBC Broking Securities (Asia) Limited, HSBC Broking Futures (Asia) Limited and HSBC Broking Forex (Asia) Limited, respectively. HSBC Broking Securities (Asia) Limited, HSBC Broking Futures (Asia) Limited and HSBC Broking Forex (Asia) Limited are licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission to carry on business in Types 1 (dealing in securities) and 4 (advising on securities), Type 2 (dealing in futures contracts), and Type 3 (leveraged foreign exchange trading) regulated activities, respectively.
  • If you are outside of the Hong Kong, we may not be authorised to offer or provide you with the products and services available through this website in the country / region you are located or resident in.
  • This website is not intended for distribution or use by any person in any jurisdiction or country or region where the distribution or use of this material is restricted and would not be permitted by law or regulation.