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Brokerage fees as low as 0.01% and 5% p.a. HKD time deposit rates all year round

Trade stocks, see market trends, get in-depth analyses and stock quotes on the go with the HSBC HK Easy Invest app

Build your investment portfolio by purchasing Hong Kong stocks with regular monthly contributions

Enhance your investing power and potential returns with additional funds to trade securities

Explore a full suite of derivatives including warrants, inline warrants and CBBCs from HSBC
Unit trusts

Make monthly investments and achieve your wealth goals without having to tie up your savings

Rebalance your portfolio as often as you like, with a single account fee for unlimited transactions

Take the stress out of building your portfolio with fast, easy and low-cost subscription of index and multi-asset funds
Bonds/Certificates of Deposits (CDs)

Invest in bonds issued by governments, supranationals and well-known corporations around the world – for stable and predictable interest income

Invest in certificates of deposit (CDs) - issued by high credit quality financial institutions like banks - for stable returns and low risk

Subscribe to IPOs for bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs) in a variety of ways through HSBC
Structured products

Tap into the potential of equity market movements and earn higher potential income even when the market is range-bound

Capture currency market opportunities to generate interest and increase potential return starting from HKD5,000

Take advantage of the foreign exchange market with 100% principal protection
More investment products

Explore our comprehensive foreign exchange services tailored to your needs, from currency exchange to forex investments

Our wealth financing solutions offer a variety of options to increase your liquidity without the need to sell your assets