Transferring your MPF to HSBC
If you're self-employed and have chosen HSBC MPF as your provider, you can transfer any accrued benefits to a personal account with us.
With over 40 years of experience helping people reach their retirement goals in Hong Kong, you can count on us to find a comprehensive MPF solution.
Join HSBC MPF today.
Explore MPF for the self-employed
How do I transfer my MPF to HSBC?
It’s easy. Simply complete the transfer forms below and submit them to us.

Why consolidate your MPF accounts?
It's not unusual for members to have more than one MPF accounts, especially if you've had previous employers with different MPF schemes, or have been self-employed before. The more MPF accounts you hold, though, the more difficult the management can be.
The key to managing MPF is to keep it simple. You can consolidate multiple personal accounts and transfer all accrued benefits to a personal account under your chosen scheme.
Download the Personal Account Holder Application Form for the MPF scheme of your choice, as well as the Scheme Member's Request for Fund Transfer Form, and send the completed forms to us.
Transfer forms for the self-employed
Transfer of accrued benefits from another MPF scheme to HSBC, or vice versa
Download and complete the form.
Personal account application forms
Apply for a personal account under HSBC
Download and complete the form
Consolidation of personal accounts
Consolidate multiple personal accounts into one account
Scheme Member's Request for Account Consolidation Form
If you need assistance, call our MPF Member Hotline +852 3128 0128 to speak to customer service representatives during office hours.
Important information
Important notes
- The information contained here is for reference only and will be updated without notice. The provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail for any information on MPF system. If you are in doubt about the meaning or the effect of the contents of this website, you should seek independent professional advice.
- Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.